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SAE for All 


SAE opportunities are truly endless and entirely based on exploring passions and career interests.
Students will start with a Foundational SAE, then expand to include one or more Immersion SAEs.

Supervised Agricultural Experience

An agricultural education program is made up of three integrated parts: Classroom instruction, FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Students with an SAE learn by doing. With help from their agricultural teachers, students develop an SAE project based on one or more SAE categories:

Own and operate an agricultural business (e.g. a lawn care service, a pay-to-fish operation, holiday poinsettia production and sales.)

Get a job or internship on a farm or ranch, at an agriculture-based business, or in a school or factory laboratory.

Research and Experimentation
Plan and conduct a scientific experiment. (e.g. Determine whether the phases of the moon affect plant growth, or test and determine the efficacy of different welding methods.)

Explore careers in agriculture by attending an agriculture career fair, or creating a report or documentary on the work of a veterinarian.

FFA members who wish to initiate or improve their Supervised Agricultural Experiences can apply for an SAE Grant


Affiliation Partners & Links
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The Colorado FFA Foundation seeks resources – human, financial and in-kind – to support agricultural education in Colorado, including students (Colorado FFA Association, CSU Ag Education), adult agricultural education, agricultural education teachers (CVATA) and alumni (Colorado FFA Alumni).

Since 1870, the College of Agricultural Sciences has been an integral part of the Colorado State University experience. We are committed to our land-grant roots and are leading Colorado’s agricultural strategic growth through research, education and strong industry partnerships.


The Colorado Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (CVATA) is a professional organization for agriculture science teachers and supporters of agriculture education. CVATA informs agriculture teachers about the latest agricultural education practices, encourages higher standards of teaching agriculture and provides agriculture education a unified voice in the state legislature.

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