Agricultural Education Program Development Timeline
Before you can start an FFA Chapter at your high school you must first have a state approved Agriculture Education Program.
Agriculture and the food, fiber and natural resource system is America's most creative, productive and basic industry. Much of this country's success in agriculture can be attributed to a sound program of education. To advance a dynamic and efficient agriculture, food and natural resource system and to assure the continued well-being of our society, first-rate education must continue to be a high priority. Agricultural Education is a cooperative effort among educational institutions, government agencies and food, fiber and natural resource-related businesses to ensure a strong and vibrant agriculture, food, fiber and natural resource system for Colorado.
The steps listed below are a guide to the successful implementation of an Agricultural Education Program that will prepare students for successful careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture!
Step 1 – Secure Support of Local Administration
Determine Colorado Vocational Act (State) Reimbursement and Federal Reimbursement Potential
Define Value to School and Community
Step 2 – Contact State Ag Ed Program Director, Kelly Schmidt
Step 3 – Course Planning & Scheduling
Determine pathways of interest
Review the state course titles and which courses help provide a progression of learning with levels 1-4
Plan for Student Awareness
Step 4 – Form Advisory Committee
Identify 5-7 individuals from diverse backgrounds with 51% of the members coming from business business and industry
Assess community resources, needs and interests
Host an initial meeting to review implementation plan for agriculture education program
Step 5 – Advertise for and Hire Instructor
Contact Kelly Schmidt to post on Colorado FFA Website and email within Colorado list.
Step 6 – Start developing a Program Approval
Contact Kelly Schmidt to assist with the online program approval process.